Monday, February 13, 2012

God's ways are not our ways.

Greetings all,

I want to give honor to God for all the things He has done. Second I want to celebrate the life of my baby nephew Dunson Tomyro Green who celebrated one glorius year on the 17th of January 2012, and my eldest nephew Christopher Green who is now 8years old. Children are our inheritance from the Lord and we are richly blessed by these two men children. lol. I wanted to begin blogging with some nuggets of power from my pastor, Nathan J. Elms in Charlotte, NC.

I will be brief, but I wanted to share a couple of things that we taught us this past weekend that impacted me in a positive manner. I always that I wanted to be perfect. No flaws, no faults. As I grew up, I experienced life. I discovered I am not perfect, according to the dictionary definition.

Thankfully, God's perspective of that word has a deeper meaning. Completion. Pastor Nathan said that God's creation was good and complete. That means I am ok as long as I obey God. The second thing that he said that we as believers need to have faith in the simple truths that He is able fix your situations. Clearly we aren't able to solve all of problems. But He can! Yes and amen!

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