Monday, January 4, 2010

resolve to change your mind and forgive yourself.

The apostle paul says not to compare ourselves with one another for it is not wise. I discovered a long time ago that my standard for success is not yours. God has uniquely designed us with a specific destiny. It is our jobs to seek His face to discover how our lives are to unfold and in what quality. Little is much when God is in it. So many times I know I've toiled for wealth only to find that it did not satisfy or make me happy. If the wealth you seek takes you away from your family, keeps you from your houses of worship, then you are making that an idol. God is still a jealous God and expects us to put him first and then the next order is the family.

I looked over 2009 and yes even the decade and realized that the wealth I have been given far exceeds what i could accumulate here on the earth. The lords prayer is practiced and prayed in our house every day because it is a principle that I want to live my life by. I can testify that God has been more than enough and continues to supply our needs.

I want to encourage you as believers to continue to trust God. He is faithful and true and will deliver in His Time. His grace and mercy carried me through and are yet carrying me through. I praise him in advance for new territory. Time will not permit me to share all of the wonderful things that have taken place in my home this summer and fall. I had to take a brief break from writing but God breathed his breath of inspiration back into me so now it is on. LOL. Be blessed and remember to love somebody.

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