Saturday, October 17, 2009

In everything give thanks

Apostle Paul was so wise. He did not say thank God for everything, he said in everything, thank him. As the mentor of most the the known world at that time, Paul experienced many physical trials that tested his faith. Yet, he managed to praise and thank God in those trials and win souls. I want my faith and loyalty to God to be that strong when it's my turn to go through. God recently put a challenge /opportunity in my life and he has not seen fit to remove it. What I'm learning is how to trust Him more and step up to more service. I learned a long time ago that if you stand up and declare to God here am I Lord send me. He will do it.

In this season of my life I can say that God prepared me for it years ago. I knew if I had stepped into it then I would not have been ready. I've been serving God most of my life... 30 years of almost 39 so I've seen him do some awesome things. If you feel you are overworked and under appreciated, my word for you is that the Lord sees your works and He will reward you openly--Don't be weary in well doing. In due season you will reap if you faint not.

If the enemy is buffeting you now, know that he does not have you and that is reason to rejoice. Remember that God does not put anything on us that we cannot bear. His joy is our strength. There is not a blessing that is not preceded by a battle. Be bleesed and have a wonderful day.

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